Board meeting called to order at 11:45 am in Lana’s room in Columbus, Ohio.

Board members present, Lana, Bob, Barbara, Nancy, Pat and Cheryl.  Absent Emma.


President, Lana Jorgensen, thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.


President Report - - Lana Jorgensen

Lana referred all to the current copy of Ovation for her report.


Secretary Report - - Cheryl Heath

Minutes from the last meeting were read and a motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Joann and seconded by Nancy.  Motion passed

Other items covered by Secretary, Cheryl Heath were:

  • AKC has approved the spring Sweepstakes and the Specialty.
  • The club affiliate dues have been paid to the parent club.


Treasurers Report - -Bob Saffell

Bob reported that as of 11/01/03 we had a balance of $14,408.32.

Rescue had a balance (included in the above) of  $6,920.99.

(See attached report)


Other Reports to the Board


PWCCA Rep - - Nancy

There has been considerable discussion about how to handle the judging of Best Puppy at all Specialties for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.  The board decided to recommend to the membership that we suggest to the National Board the following.


“Once an animal has been defeated by another puppy - - that puppy can no longer compete in the competition.”


Trophies - - Pat

All trophies are complete for the March Specialty.  Marion Johnson-Your is judging in Louisville on Sunday.  Pat suggested that we sponsor the trophies for that day.  The Board agreed.


Ad Hoc Committee - - Constitution and By-Laws

A draft was submitted showing changes to the Constitution and By-laws with the changes to reflect our Constitution and By-laws to be more in line with the National’s Constitution and By-laws.  A copy with these changes will be given out to all club members for their review and suggestions.


At 12:40 pm the board went into closed session that ended at 1:10 pm.


A motion was made by Pat to adjourn the meeting at 1:10 pm and seconded by Barbara.  Meeting adjourned.