Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club

BOD Minutes- Aug. 30, 2008


Members present: Mike Oehlhof, Lea Jacobs, Ed Heath, Sally Wynn, Gerald Kyle, Marilyn Midkiff, Robin Stewart


Report of the Secretary: Lea Jacobs

Letters of acceptance from both Terry Hansen Mitchell and Pat Sandy-Smith


Report of the Treasurer: Sally Wynn

Discussion  re: Insurance coverage for Directors/Officers. Sally to bring a quote to the next meeting.

Rescue balance continues to decrease.


Report of Committees:

       Librarian/Historian: Definition of duties: AS written in the job descriptions.

       Rescue: Need parameters developed and in writing. Robin to provide.

       2009 Specialty Proceeding well. Approved catalog ad for photgrapher at no cost.


Adhoc Commitees:


Unfinished Business and General Orders:

      1. Fall meeting location: Location TBD TF Delaware Ohio Kennel Club - Sunday 10/26/08  Breed/Group Judge: Mrs. Janet H. Robinson. 1 hour pot judging.

      2. Definition of Mid-Ohio Valley territory.

AKC approves BOD meetings being held via conference calls for Western Reserve Robing to check with Judy Hart and Heather Lampham. Robin to contact Judy Hart for more information.

      3. Specialty site proposal  Ed and Chery are checking into.



New Business

      1. Talebearers: Lea resigning we need volunteer to write articles for the PWCCA NL

      2. AKC Requirements: Need to find the requirements for Regional Specialty Clubs and make certain OV is meeting requirements.

      3. Adrienne's/Judy's email re: Regional club issues. Will ask Adrianne to continue to correspond with Judy re challenges Regional clubs are facing.

      4. Nominating committee: Chair: Adrianne Saffle, Members: Kathy Shannon, Cheryl Heath, Alternate: Robin Stewart.