Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club

BOD Minutes Jan 17, 2010


Members present: Mike Oehlhof, Gerald Kyle, Adrienne Saffle, Ed Heath, Lea Jacobs. Guest Kathy Shannon


Report of the President:  Mike Oehlhof


Secretary: Lea Jacobs

Puppy match flyer

AKC State filing form

AKC Election Result form


Report of the Treasurer: Sally Wynn

Discussion re AKC State Filing Form - currently no action necessary

Treasurers report: As submitted. Overall expenses reported as a calendar year overview.


Report of Committees:

      2010 Specialty

           Trophies: Still need donations to cover classes. Discussion re Specialty chair managing trophies for the specialty and Trophy chair managing trophies for supported entries, match.

Adhoc Commitees:


Unfinished Business and General Orders:

      1. Membership application update: Board reviewed and will submit recomendations to membership committee.

      2. Committee restructuring: New OV officers and Board will discuss in meeting to be set for Friday after the Specialty. Time to be determined.


New Business

     1. Meeting times: March meeting:

Board meeting to follow hospitality 3/17/10

General meeting to follow BOB judging 3/18/10. Time/location to be posted ringside.

Additional Board meeting to occur Friday 3/19/10 Time/location to be determined.


     2. Approved raffels/silent auctions for March 2010 Specialty and 3 subsequent Supported Entries.

Specialty: 50/50 Raffel, Silent Auction table, Rescue designated silent auction items not to exceed 5 items.

Supported entries to follow specialty Rescue designated 50/50 auction.