Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club Board Meeting

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Drawbridge Hotel and Convention Center

2477 Royal Drive

Fort Mitchell, KY 41017-3599

(859) 341-2800



The meeting was called to order by President, Gerald Kyle at 12:15 PM.  


Members present:  Gerald Kyle, Adrienne Saffell, Sally Wynn, Cheryl Heath, Kathy Shannon, Ed Heath


  • Gerald thanked everyone for attending the meeting.  He reported that on January 23rd, the Louisville Kennel Club will be having a match and along with the match will be Meet The Breeds tables available.  He asked if we wanted to do something for this. Adrienne and Cheryl decided to put something together for this event for the club. 


  • The Board discussed putting out Ovation twice a year going forward: An issue for the specialty coming out sometime in June and the second issue coming out in December.  Gerald will talk to the Ovation editor, Nancy Oehlhof about this as well as discussing with her all paid subscriptions for Ovation.  Gerald continued the discussion about needing “A FEW GOOD FOLKS” to help with the OVation. We need a: • Performance Editor  • Ad Editor • Subscriptions manager • Roving reporter  If you are a member of the OV club and would like a job description or would like to volunteer to help PLEASE contact: Nancy Oehlhof (419) 565 - 2546 NancyO@neo.rr.com


  • Upcoming spring show set for March 17, 2011.  Judges, Stuart Magness - - Breed and Patti Bittles - - Sweepstakes.  Kathy Shannon showed the wall hanging quilt that she has done for the March specialty.  Everyone thanked her and it is sure to be a great money maker for the show.  It is a wonderful piece of artwork.  Lana and Gerald will be working on the show together along with the show committee.


  • Adrienne distributed the following information about the March show hotel. The contract for the Hurstbourne Lane Holiday Inn has been signed as the location for our specialty in March.  We will have a block of rooms for the event and the rate will be $96.90 with a one time $39 non-refundable pet fee.  Make reservations before February 15, 2011.  Rooms will be released after that.  Hurstbourne Lane/I-64.  502-426-2600
  • Directions to the show:
    Louisville, K

·         From I-64 East, take Exit 15

·         From I-64 West, Exit 15 North (15C)

·         From I-264, Exit I-64 East

·         From I-65 South, Exit I-64 East

·         From I-65 North, Exit I-264 East to I-64 East

·         From I-71 South, Exit Gene Snyder Freeway South (I-265 S) to I-64 West, Exit 15


Secretary, Cheryl Heath


Minutes approved, Adrienne Saffell.  Seconded, Kathy Shannon.


Treasurer, Sally Wynn: 


Treasurer report submitted. Motion to approve:  Kathy Shannon. Seconded, Ed Heath



Old Business: 

  • New Slate of Officers


President, Gerald Kyle

Vice-President, Andrienne Saffell

Secretary, Sharon Irving

Treasurer, Bob Saffell


New Business:


  • No new business.


Membership Applications in process:

Mary Parke and Mikki Anderson

Michael Zoeller and Wenndy Dunn


New Application, Karen Strasser


Meeting adjourned 1:15 PM


Respectively submitted by, Cheryl Heath