The Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club officers and board members met at the Bahama Breeze Restaurant in Cincinnati, Ohio on June 26, 2004, at 11:30 A.M. those present were President – Lana Jorgensen: Treasurer – Bob Saffell; and Board Members; Barbara Fisher, Emma Weyrick and Pat Miller.


            We took time to order our lunch, and while waiting on it to be served, the President open the meeting to save time and to help us get on with the business at hand, as follows:


            Secretary’s Report:  Received no minutes from the previous meeting.


            President’s Report:  First item of business, Lana reported that on May 8, 2004, at our May Puppy Match, the board members met after the meeting to discuss giving the Puppy Match Judge an increased fee to $50.00 due to the cost of gasoline and the distance traveled.  Bob Saffell, mad a motion “That Club Match Judge receive a stipend of $50.00 to help offset their expenses, with an additional $50.00 for lodging, if needed”.  Was seconded by Cheryl Heath.  Was approved by polling board members, all in attendance agreed.


            Lana would like to make a proposal to the general membership to consider having an Independent Specialty in 2006.  Cheryl to be looking into a sight to hold this event and report back at the next meeting.


            On Ohio Valley’s proposal for the PWCCA to have a Spring Meeting at Louisville, OPWCC will be having that meeting at our Specialty at Louisville in 2006.


            Treasurer’s Report:  Bob Saffell reported that Sally Wynn donated to the club her judge’s fee of $50.00, that she received at our May Puppy Match, to be used for our future Matches in any manner that we so desired.


            Committee Reports:


            Events: Pam reports that at JoAnn Ruehl’s house there will be a Corgi Olympics with prizes for the participants.


            At Lexington, there will be a covered dish meal brought by members.  (Pam wants to know if she is to coordinate this).  Would like for someone in the area to contact a veterinarian to talk to us about the geriatric corgi.


             Membership     Pam Hudson (making a report for Judy Nolan, Chairman) reported that at the next meeting  (July 11 at JoAnn’s) we would have a second reading for Connie Rinehart and a first reading for Sally and Fred Wynn.


            Awards:                        No report.

            Breeder Referral:          No report.

            Education                      No report


            Judges Selection:           Lea reported that Bill Shelton has signed a contract  to do Sweepstakes at our 2006 Specialty.  Is still waiting to receive a contract back from Alan Mathews.  Is working with the Kennel Clubs in regards to the other days.  Fall shows: to date unable to determine the panel for the fall.

Legislation:                    No report.

Librarian:                      No report                     

Ovation:                        No report


            PWCCA Representative:           Mike (reporting for Nancy), paid seating at the National 2004 Specialty was rescinded.


Trophies:                       No report.


A Break was taken at 12:15 P.M. to eat our lunch:  Meeting proceeded around 1:00 P.M.


Ways and Means          Barbara reported that at the Puppy Match in May, Ways and Means was very successful in selling some of the past inventory and included some new items.  The raffle was especially very successful.  Looking forward toward the Specialty 2005, will be having shirts (undecided as to tee shirts or sweatshirts, probably tee shirts) with the March Specialty Theme printed on them and to have the same design on watches.  Also, working on doing the Cosmo Corgi shirt.


Ad Hoc                                    No report.


Rescue:                        Discussion made in regard to the guidelines and determined that guidelines, as submitted in November, 1996, are well prepared.  Only making a proposed amendment to define the area to be membership area.  Need foster homes.


Unfinished Business:      JoAnn Ruehl reported that the March 2005 Specialty is on the GO..  Committees are working.  May have a switching of the planned tour of Churchill Downs to go with 2006 Specialty, if approved, and may be having, in exchange, another attraction.


New Business:              Keeping in mind the Independent Specialty for 2006, Cheryl is looking into sights where it may be held.


Lana  mentioned that Lakeshore will be going to  4 meetings a year and wanted to know what Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club wanted to do.  It was discussed and decided that it would be a good idea to bring it up to the membership, talk about it a 3 meetings (November, January, and March, giving the membership time to think about it), keeping a record of the attendance and then do a ballot by mail to all members.         


Nancy (by e-mail) asked if the Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club wanted to donate a filled basked to the Western Reserve Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club for raffle at their  Specialty in August.  Discussion – Bob Saffell made a basket for this purpose.  Motion made by Bob Saffell, seconded by Pat Miller, that the Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club, donate a well filled basket to Western Reserve’s Specialty in August, 2004, at no cost to the club and by donations from club members.  All agreed.  Western Reserve had brought a very nice one to our Specialty in March, 2004.


            Web-sight request/suggestion by Pam Hudson that along with the Membership names that the following initials be placed: puppies, stud service, adults for placement/sale.


            Nomination Committee for 2005 – Cheryl  Heath has volunteered to be Chairman with the club appointing Jean Fordyce, Gail Sheets, and Judy Nolan as alternate.


            No further business, Bob Saffell made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Emma Weyrick (1:30 P.m.)


`           Note:  Thank you to Lana for selecting a super nice place to eat for our meeting.  Though a little hard to find, was well worth the hunt..


            Minutes taken by Pat Miller in the absence of Cheryl Heath, Secretary.



A SUGGESTION OFF THE RECORD in regard to the basket going to Western Reserve subject to member donations.


If members want to give something towards filling this basket, think about sending Nancy MONEY towards it instead of trying  to get something to her.