OVPWCC – General Membership Meeting 01/12/2012



Meeting called to order 1:22 by President Gerald Kyle


No guests attended this meeting


Corrections to the previous minutes:


Mary Ann Weimuller was mistakenly identified as Marilyn. With those corrections the minutes from previous meeting were accepted and approved via motion by Kathy Garcia; second by Bob Saffell.


President’s Report:

·         Submitted change of address information to secretary and webmaster.

·         Working with Nancy Oehlof to get Ovation out two times per year. Will notify club as more details become available.  


Vice-Presidents Report:

·         No Vice-Presidents rpt.

Secretary’s Report:

·        Notices for new slate of officers recd from AKC and PWCCA.

·         The club received a 20% credit coupon for the advance placement of the Club ad for the National newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report:

·         Please see attached.

·         Membership dues notices distributed. See attached.


Reports of Committees:


Specialty Report:

·         Nenna Van Camp has volunteered for Judges host.

·         Lana Lee Jorgenson will fill the open ring steward spot

·         Grounds keepers for the specialty will be Mike Zoeller and Bruce Coyne.  

·         Kathy Garcia will be the photographer.

·         We will only be having a raffle this year with no silent auction. Because of the low attendance at the banquet the hope is that by having only raffle items more money will be raised as the people do not need to be present to win raffle items. Kathy Shannon will be in charge of the raffle. Several club members have agreed to donate baskets with various contents. Joanne Geisting will be making a stain glass piece. Art Smith has agreed to donate a painting.


Judges Selection Committee – Marilyn Roth Basinger- The 2014 specialty judges are as follows:

Breed – First choice Anne Boes; Alternate Tish Weiner

Sweeps – First choice Melody Kist; Alternate Barb Hughes



PWCCA Rep – Neena Van Camp Next meeting will be in April in Atlanta. Please contact Neena Van Camp if there is anything you wish brought before the board.


Rescue – Kathy Shannon –

·         Asking members to foster one dog per year.

·         Has 3 dogs that are available all over the age of 8 ys old

·         Has 2 8 or 9 month old puppies coming in February.



Breeder Referral – Judy Nolan

·         Still have requests for puppies coming in please notify her if you have puppies that need placement.


Legislative Report– Neena Van Camp

·         Updates members as information becomes available.


Old Business


·         None


New Business


·         The Lexington Show in Sept is possibly going to be moved to the indoor arena at the horse park. There is no word on how or if this will affect the puppy match. A motion to made by Gerald Kyle to continue for the show for another year and determine how to proceed at that time. Second was made by Joanne Geisting.


·         Margo Burnett, a former club member, has donated many items from her collection to the club. Adrienne is trying to contact her regarding her wishes for the disposition of these items. Adrienne is going to attempt to get her permission to use some of the items for the raffle at the specialty.



Meeting Adjourned 2:27pm


Motion made by Bob Saffell second by Kathy Shannon