Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club

                           Regular Meeting

                           November 13, 2004

         Asian Cuisine Restaurant, Columbus, Oh.


            The Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club’s Regular meeting was held on November 13, 2004 at the Asian Cuisine Restaurant in Columbus, Ohio.  The President, Lana Jorgensen, called the meeting to order at 2:15pm.



Members present: Steve & Judy Nolan, Marilyn Midkiff, Teresa Fishback, Jo Ann Ruehl, Jody Hoch, Pam Hudson, Neena VanCamp, Emma Weyrick, Vicki Sandage, Cara Cole, Pat Miller, Robin Stewert, Jean & Chester Fordyce and Lea Jacobs.

Guests present: Diane Pierfelice and Janet McClusky


Report of the President: Lana Jorgensen

There was not a quorum so no board meeting was held.

Lana would like to have added to the annual membership dues letter, a choice for each member.  Does the member want to be notified of meetings by e-mail or regular mail?  Lana would also like a line added for donations to rescue or the trophy fund.

Lana thanked everyone for coming.


Report of the Recording/Corresponding Secretary:  Cheryl Heath

No report given


Because no one had a copy of the minutes from the August meeting, there was no motion to accept the minutes from that meeting.


There was a correction to the August board meeting minutes:  Neena Van Camp passed out copies of the letter she received from the officers and board members of the OVPWCC replacing her on the judges selection committee. 


Report of the Treasurer:  Bob Saffell


Bob Saffell sent a report.  It states that the latest income was $18,753.36.  Of that $7796.77 is rescue and $8785.22 is the general balance.  There was no motion to accept this report.


Committee Reports:

Activities:  Pam Hudson

Pam passed out registration forms for the theriogenology course being taught at OSU January 22 and 23, 2005.  The registration deadline is January 14, 2005.  The fee is $80 per day or $135 for both days.  Pam will scan in the form and description to have it added to the website.


Neena Van Camp said that Clermont County is having a Carmen Battaglia seminar in January.  It is a 2-day seminar, to be held the last weekend in January.


Awards:  Lisa McKay

No report


Breeder Referral:  Kathy Shannon

No report


Education:  Pam Hudson

No report


Judges Selection:  Lea Jacobs

The Louisville cluster was unable to un-hire and replace Peter Baynes for Thursday.  The shows surrounding our specialty for 2005 are:

Thursday:  Peter Baynes

Friday:  Carrie Chase

Sunday:  Pat Laurens



 Columbus cluster in November has stated that they would like to work with us to select judges from our list. 


Legislative:  Neena Van Camp

California tried to ban tail docking, but it did not pass.

The Kentucky governor signed bill 133 revising humane treatment of animals.

A county in Kentucky, close to Cincinnati, is considering a pit bull ordinance.


Membership:  Judy Nolan

Fred and Sally Wynn were voted into the club as members.  Welcome Sally and Fred!


OVation:  Nancy Oehlhof

The next issue is running a little behind which gives everyone a little more time to send ads!  Nancy apologized for OVation being late.


PWCCA Rep:  Nancy Oehlhof, in conjunction with rescue:  Kathy Shannon and Neena Van Camp      

Regional clubs will not be under the PWCCA’s insurance umbrella as of February, 2005.  Mike Oehlhof is in the process of determining if Ohio Valley’s insurance covers rescue dogs.  Lana Jorgensen stated that this would take no longer than ten days. 

Joann Ruehl made a motion that Ohio Valley place a temporary moratorium on placing rescue dogs until such time as insurance is obtained or coverage is confirmed. Pam Hudson seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

Ohio Valley will continue to take rescue dogs in.  We currently have 9 dogs in rescue, from 7 ½ months of age up to 7+ years.  Foster homes are needed.  Neena stated that it takes about two weeks to foster a rescue.  That gives the dog time to be neutered, be heartworm tested, and temperament tested.

Neena stated that we have over 70 applicants for rescue dogs.  She also stated that she contacted every applicant in January 2004 to keep the list current.


Trophies:  Marilyn Midkiff

All trophies for the 2005 Specialty have been submitted to the premium list and show chairs.  The final design was to be determined at this meeting.  The members present voted to use a circular, color design.  Marilyn thanked everyone for sponsoring trophies.  Almost all are sponsored.


Ways and Means:  Barbara Fisher

$33 was made raffling stuffed toy fish


Web Page:  Nancy Oehlhof

There are some problems with the website and Nancy is trying to get them sorted out with Jim Hedgepath’s help.  It was brought to our attention that the member’s only site is open to anyone.


Ad Hoc Committees

No report


Unfinished Business and general Orders

2005 Specialty is progressing

Peter Baynes, Carrie Chase and Pat Laurens, will judge surrounding shows


A discussion was held about changing the constitution to read “no less than four meetings per year” will be continued at the January meeting.


Puppy Match:  Cara Cole will be the match chair, thank you Cara

It will be the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend.


Nominations for officers to be voted on at the January meeting:


President:  Lana Jorgensen

Vice President:  Nancy Oehlhof

Treasurer:  Bob Saffell

Secretary:  Pam Hudson

Board Members: Jean Fordyce

                           Robin Stewart

                           Barbara Fisher



Nominations: Jody Hoch nominated Neena Van Camp for president, seconded by Judy Nolan


Marilyn Midkiff moved that the nominations be closed.  Vicki Sandage seconded and it passed.


January meeting:

The date suggested is January 9th.  Feb. 5th is the snow date.  Cara Cole made a motion to have the meeting at the Loving Touch Pet Center provided the charges are no more than $100 for the time needed.  Lea Jacobs seconded this and the motion passed.


New Business:

Joann Ruehl has volunteered to be the 2006 show chair.  Thank you JoAnn!



Brags:  $30 in brags from Cara Cole, Lana Jorgensen and Teresa Fishback.


Neena Van Camp moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Chester Fordyce seconded it.  Meeting adjourned.



Our next meeting will be held January 9th, with a Feb. 5th snow date.  As soon as the location and time is confirmed, the secretary will notify everyone.


Submitted by Pam Hudson


Attachments:  Theriogenology course information, Treasurer’s report