OVPWCC Board Meeting Minutes

Saturday, November 20,2010


Board members present: Gerald Kyle, Adrienne Saffell, Sally Wynn, Connie Rinehart,

Kathy Shannon


Call to order: 11:02 AM

M/S/C (Kathy/Connie) accept minutes from last Board Meeting as sent out by secretary.

M/S/C (Connie/Kathy) to defer committee reports until the general meeting in the interest

 of time

Old business:

         Membership-will have readings at general meeting, but can’t vote as no quorum is


New Business:

         Nominating Committee appointed to consist of Connie Rinehart, BobSaffell, and

 Lea Jacobs.  Need to revise floor nomination deadline.

         Set tentative meeting schedule: January at Law’s house, March in conjunction with

the Specialty, June meeting possibly with the Troy shows, September in

Lexington, Oct or Nov TBA.

         Kathy asked if there were any objections to splitting rescue away financially and

 operating it as a non-profit if someone could be found to run the charity.

Discussion ensued, but no objections were raised.

         M/S/C (Connie/Adrienne) to reorder supported entry pewterex plates. Cost is $700

 for minimum run of 36, but may get up to 42.

         M/S/C (Kathy/Connie) adjourn at 11:54


Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Shannon in lieu of absent secretary Cheryl Heath