Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club

Board Meeting

January 18, 2004

Provident Bank - - Ross, Ohio


Minutes as taken by Pat Miller for Cheryl Heath

(Cheryl arrived late to the Board meeting)


The Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club’s Board Meeting was held on January 18, 2004, at the Provident Bank, Ross, Ohio.  The meeting was called to order by the President, Lana Jorgensen, at 11:15 A.M.  Those present were:  Lana Jorgensen, Nancy Oehlhof, Bob Saffell, Barbara Fisher, Emma Weyrick, Pat Miller and Cheryl Heath.


A motion was made by Bob Saffell, seconded by Nancy Oehlhof, to approve the Secretary minutes as mailed.  Motion approved by the Board.


Bob Saffell gave the Treasurer’s Report stating that the latest income was $1,267.50 and expenses $631.67 and Club’s total is $7,680.05 and the Rescue has $7,364.10, with a total balance of $15,044.15 combined.  The Treasurer also had a report on the 2003 Specialty income and expenses with the Club having a profit of $175.11 (according to what has been submitted to him.)


A motion was made by Emma Weyrick, seconded Barbara Fisher, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion approved by the Board.


Committee Reports


Ways and Means:


Barbara reported that there was nothing new since the November 15, 2003 meeting.  Today, she has scheduled a white elephant sale with members bringing articles in for sale and that she has reduced the price of T-shirt stock and Sweatshirts with the price being $5.00 and $8.00 respectfully.




Nancy reported there is a new "group list" for all the Regional club's Newsletter Editors. We have been corresponding about deadlines and exchanging ads plus we've had a discussion about advertising policies.
She said our last issue was handed out and mailed in Nov. and the next issue deadline is Feb 15th and will be handed out at our March meeting.  This issue is our breeding and puppy issue since we didn't have a Sweepstakes in Nov. there is no set picture for the cover. She asked if you have a puppy that has had an outstanding career to let her know and she will consider featuring him/her on the cover.  Lana suggested putting the Cosmo Corgi on the cover. Nancy also asked if there were any members who would like to do a regular column or articles for us.



PWCCA Representative:


Nancy reported the PWCCA Representative’s group has had a discussion of how clubs handle storing all their clubs records.  She mentioned these specialized "group lists" are proving to be very helpful and she suggested we form 2 lists for our club, one for all the members and one for the board. Lana felt there are pros and cons to having these group lists.  It was decided to discuss this at a later time.


Web site:


Nancy reported the members only page is up and running and she hopes to be able to add more OV documents to it soon.  She asked if any committee chairmen or members have anything they need posted to it or any corrections please let her know. She reminded everyone to please try to remember to visit it often for meeting information, treasure's report, minutes and other notices.


Puppy Match:


Bob gave report for Adrienne on the Puppy Match which was scheduled for May 28, 2004, at Joyce Park, with Sally Wynn as judge and that everything was moving along very well.  Discussion was held that this date was in conflict with the Gateway’s Club First Specialty and supported entries.  It tentatively was changed to May 8, 2004, with the Chairperson to see if the changes would be in agreement with all of those involved.


Unfinished Business:




New Business:


None At 11:37 A.M. the Board went into closed session and was back in session at 11:52 A.M.


Motion was made by Bob Saffell, second by Cheryl Heath, that the Club reimburse Lana for her expense in purchasing Jean and Chester Fordyce a gift for being our Rescue persons for several years.  Motion was approved by the Board.


Discussion was held in regard to Neena Van Camp’s nomination for President at the November 15, 2003 meeting and how it relates to our Constitution and By-Laws.  The discussion being held as to the letter of acceptance not being turned in at the meeting by Robin because Neena did not attend the meeting and therefore could not accept the nomination. The letter accepting the nomination for President was later received by the Secretary on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, in the mail. The Secretary contacted the President about this situation and the President; Lana Jorgenson made the decision to accept the written letter by Neena.


Motion was made by Bob Saffell, seconded by Cheryl Heath, that the executive decision to accept Neena’s letter of acceptance of the nomination for President late be ratified and presented to the membership for acceptance or rejection.  Motion was approved by the Board.


Motion was made by Bob Saffell to adjourn at 12:00 Noon.


Submitted by Pat Miller for Cheryl Heath

