Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club

                       March 19

             Louisville, Kentucky





The Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club general Meeting was called to order by the President, Lana Jorgensen at 3:45pm.


Those present:








Pam Hudson





Bob Saffell






Adrienne Saffell





Neena Van Camp





Gerald Kyle





Nancy Oehlhof





Mike Oehlhof





Kristie Sarafolean





Amanda Sarafolean





Wesley Stinson





Kem Livermore





Jean Fordyce





Chester Fordyce





Bill Law






Lucy Clem






Robin Stewart





Michael Zoeller





Lana Jorgensen





Judith Nolan





Sally Wynn





Fred Wynn






JoAnn Ruehl





Marilyn Midkiff





Cara Cole






Kathy Shannon





Barbara Fisher





Cheryl Heath





Lea Jacobs





Connie Rinehart







Lanalee welcomed all the guests to the meeting and had them introduce themselves.


Report of the President – Lana Jorgensen


Lana read her report that will be published in the next newsletter.  Full text can be read in the board minutes.


Report of Recording/Corresponding Secretary – Pam Hudson


Correspondence Received:

  1. Letter from the PWCCA to all affiliate clubs regarding the PWCCA rescue program.  The PWCCA rescue monies will remain in the treasury until such time a decision is made regarding how the monies will be handled.
  2. OV Match Flyer and map to site from Carra Cole.
  3. Copies of Judges contracts for 2006:  Mathews and Shelton
  4. Copies of Membership Applications:  Coyne, Kyle, Clem, Sarafolean, Neligh
  5. Motion for Board Meeting, March 18, from Neena VanCamp, moving that the letter she received from the board removing her from the judges selection committee be made part of OVPWCC’s board minutes, as it was never reported out of the 08/04 Board Meeting in Lexington. 


Correspondence Sent:

  1. Letter to Kaye Atkinson acknowledging she will judge our match pending AKC approval
  2. Letter to Cathy Donovan, PWCCA, with list of current officers and board members.  Cathy has requested the name of the PWCCA rep as quickly as possible.
  3. Letter to the AKC with list of officers for OVPWCC
  4. Minutes from January meeting to those whom requested them via snail mail


The minutes from the January meeting were accepted as mailed and posted on the website.


Treasurer Report – Bob Saffell


Every 2004 member renewed his or her membership.


The treasury Balance is $17,603.00 and the Rescue Balance is $8,499.52 as of March 15, 2005. 


The treasurer’s report was accepted as read.


Committee Reports:  Lanalee Jorgensen


The following are the new committee chairs and committee members:


Activities/Education:  Chair: Carra Cole, members Gerald Kyle, Bruce Coyne

Awards:  Chair:  Lisa McKay

Breeder Referral:  Chair:  Kathy Shannon

Judges Selection:  Chair:  Lea Jacobs, members Adrienne Saffell, Connie Rinehart, and Specialty Show Chair

Legislative:  Chair:  Neena VanCamp

Librarian/Historian:  Chair:   Robin Stewart

Membership:  Chair : Judy Nolan, members Becky Dean, Neena VanCamp

.OVation:  Chairs:  Nancy Oehlhof, Mike Oehlhof

PWCCA Rep:  Chair:  Sally Wynn

Rescue:  Chairs:  Neena VanCamp and Kathy Shannon, members Sandy Combs, Jean and Chester Fordyce, Lisa McKay, Carol Stein, Robin Stewart

Trophies:  Chair: Marilyn Midkiff

Ways and Means:  Chair:  Barbara Fisher, members Teresa Fishback, Nancy Oehlhof, JoAnn Ruehl

Web page:  Chair:  Nancy Oehlhof

Sunshine:   Chair:  JoAnn Ruehl

2005 Specialty – Chair:  JoAnn Ruehl, members  Teresa Fishback, Lisa McKay, Judy Nolan, Barbara Fisher, Adrienne & Bob Saffell, Cheryl Heath, Nancy & Mike Oehlhof, Marilyn Midkiff, Gail Kubovchick, Jean Fordyce, Robin Stewart, Becky Dean, Kathy Shannon

2006 Specialty:  Chair:  JoAnn Ruehl, Teresa Fishback assistant chair



Reports made:

Judges Selection:  Specialty and Sweeps judges have been chosen for 2007 but because of some contract questions, they have not been asked until clarification.  The board clarified these issues and the full report can be read in the board minutes.


Legislative:  The Puppy Lemon Law will be introduced again.  Neena will keep us posted on what we should this.


Rescue:  We are full of rescues at this time and really need help from members fostering dogs.  The committee will continue to foster the dogs needing the most time rehabilitating them but we do not want to burn out our foster homes and desperately need help.


Membership:  The second readings were read for Lucy Clem, Bruce Coyne, Gerald Kyle and Kristie Sarafolean.  The first reading was done for Karen Neligh.


Trophies:  They turned out wonderfully and Marilyn is looking forward to the 2006 pottery!


Ways and Means:  The 2005 tee shirts turned out very well.  A photo was put on the website.  There are very few left and Barbara doesn’t anticipate having any trouble selling them.  In fact she hopes to take enough orders to produce another batch.  She decided to hold off on watches and possibly have them for the puppy match.  There were a few computer pads left but again, Barbara doesn’t anticipate any problems selling them.  She plans to announce the remainder of the items on ShowPem-L and Corgi-L.


Website:  Please let Nancy Oehlhof know if you would like the following added to your name on the website:  P (for puppies available), S (for stud dog) and A (for adults available)


New Business:  Nan Kesterson passed away and asked that donations be made to Cornell Veterinary College.  Neena VanCamp has more information.


Marilyn Midkiff received permission for Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club to hold an independent specialty in 2006.  Evansville will release Pems on Thursday.  Marilyn will determine if that is for 2006 only or permanently if we so desire. 


Neena Van Camp brought to the members attention that the Eaton , Ohio shows will have two breeder judges and how important it is to support clubs that chose breeder judges.  The judges are Donna Francis and Dianne Connolly.  The shows are April 30 and May 1.


Meeting adjourned at 4:45pm.