Meeting called to order at 1:50 pm    July 13, 2003 at Joann Ruehl’s Home


Members present were Lanalee Jorgensen, Bob Saffell, Lisa McKay, Jean Fordyce, Barbara Fisher, Mitch Ruehl, Joann Ruehl, Neena Van Camp, Steve Nolan, Judy Nolan, Pat Miller, Robin Stewart, Chester Fordyce, Emma Wyrick, Kathy Shannon, Teresa Fishback.


Guests attending were Debby Manning, Jane Harvey, Janet McCluskey, Dave and Diane Sauer.


Welcome comments from the President


May 24, 2003  Meeting minutes: 

Corrections:  Neena said that the minutes should reflect that a By Laws committee was never approved by the Board and therefore shouldn’t exist in the minutes.  Lana clarified that an ad hoc by laws committee was discussed at the March board meeting in Louisville.  According to Roberts Rules of Order, a committee that is formed only to advise and make recommendations to the Board and subsequently the membership, but that has no power to implement any changes is not required to be voted on by the Board or the membership.


Neena pointed out that the membership committee is a standing committee and cannot be combined with education.  Lana said that they weren’t really combined, but two separate committees chaired by the same person, and that they had simply been listed together in the committee reports so Judy could give both reports at the same time.


Neena also said that the minutes had the judges for the 04 and 05 specialties switched under the judges selection committee.  The minutes will be corrected to show the appropriate judges for the 04 and 05 specialties.


2004 - -Breed, Dianne Connelly

             Sweepstakes, Melody Kist


2005 - - Breed, Peggy Kessler

              Sweepstakes, Donna Newton


A motion to accept the minutes as corrected made by Neena and seconded by Judy Nolan.  Motion passed


Secretary’s report – no report


President’s report – Nothing new


Treasurers Report  - Bob reported that as of 6/30/03 we had income of $769 and expenses of $1725.35.  Our current balance is $13,646.85.  Rescue had expenses of $554.99 leaving them with a balance of  $6149.73.


Neena asked when the next audit of the books as to be conducted.  Bob responded that traditional time for the audit is at end of year before new board takes over.



Joann reported that today we are having a scavenger hunt following the meeting.  Also Dog trick contest,


Awards – No report


Breeder Referral – Kathy reported that there were not many puppies available at this time. She is currently receiving about 4 phone calls and 6-8 emails a week. Kathy would like direction from the club on policy for Breeder Referral when we do not have puppies within our club.  Can she refer them to other clubs when we do not have puppies?

She has been referring to the PWCCA website.  Suggests referring out of area people to a closer club.  Kathy needs guidelines.   Discussion… do we want to continue referring to club members then adjoining states?  Policy is for the referral person to refer only to OH members and then rescue.  Neena made a motion to refer first to our club, then to PWCCA member 2-3 states away.  Seconded by Chester.  Motion defeated. A new motion was made by Bob to allow the puppy referral person to use their best judgement.  Second by JoAnn.   Motion passed


Education/PR - Judy Nolan reported that they would be working with what is on the website.  She suggested we have OVPWCC Business cards printed with the website address, breeder referral phone number and e-mail, etc. This has been discussed on prior occasions. Pat Miller moved, seconded by Lisa McKay that we move forward with the printing of the cards.  Motion passed.


Judges Selection – Neena reported that a new list sent to shows in Louisville.  Encouraging them to pick breeder judges. Nothing has been sent to the Columbus, OH shows as far as selections.  Neena also requests members to forward information on judges to the committee members.


Legislative – Neena reported the Puppy lemon law has had no hearing in OH yet.  ADM hearing on the new law as far as what is animal cruelty.  Neena will not be at the meeting.  IN still messing with the field trial people.  KY is quiet.


Historian – no report


Membership – Judy reported that Lana has visited Becky’s home.  There was a first reading of Becky’s application.  Her sponsors are Lana and Sue Klaar


Membership Committee had a meeting to update the application.  They are not proposing and major changes to the basic application, but suggest some minor changes.  Mostly cleaning up language.  Would like to add an area to record when applicant attended meetings, etc. The membership can look over the new application and vote on it at the next meeting.


OvationNancy reported that the Ovation will be out at the end of July


PWCCA RepsNancy reported that there wasn’t really anything new to share. There has been some heavy discussion on ShowPem about the national newsletter.


Rescue – Jean reported they have 4 in rescue now.  Older dogs.  Nice dogs that need homes.



Trophies – No report


Ways & Means – Barb Fisher reported that the raffle at our puppy match brought in $101. An additional $82.50 was raised through sales of other miscellaneous items.  The fall sweatshirt project is on schedule.  Nancy will have the design completed in August and the shirts will be available in October.  There will be actual photos of the shirts on our website, and Barb will advertise them on Corgi-L, ShowPem-L and Pembroke-L.  The committee is considering using this design on other items to sell as well. 


Webpage – no report


AD Hoc Committees – no reports


Unfinished Business


2003 Puppy Match – Pam Hudson reported that in spite of only having seven entries, we still managed to make a profit of $30.14. Lana stated that we should all give Pam a round of applause for having put the match together in such a short time AND making a profit as well. Everyone joined her in giving Pam a hand in absentia.  Pam’s report made some suggestions for future matches, recommending that we continue to use Joyce Park and consider offering some large, special prizes to help increase participation.


2004 specialty –Neena reported that we still have not received the money we are owed from Louisville 2003 show.  Bob suggested that Neena write a letter to the party in charge of the Cluster, sending it Certified with return receipt requested.  Once the mail is accepted by the recipient, it is considered binding as a contract. In the future, we should also send our agreements to the show-giving clubs, outlining our supported entry agreement in the same manner.  Our headquarters will be the same, the Holiday Inn at Hurstbourne Lane & I-64.


Basket Challenge – Bob reported that it is moving along.  Cheryl has commitments from several Louisville companies. .


Supported entries –Neena turned in a check from the Lima show.  Our cost for a trophy at a supported show runs us $17.50 per trophy. We may want to reconsider using plates or changing to less costly items.  We will not need to make this decision for awhile as we have just filled a large order for plates.


We will continue to support the traditional shows we have been supporting.


Nominations Committee – Jo Ann has volunteered to be chair the committee.  Jo Ann selected Pat Miller and Judy Nolan to be her committee members. Neena is to be the alternate in case one of the committee members is unable to fulfill their commitment.  Accepted by Board and membership


2004 Puppy Match – Adrienne Saffell has volunteered to chair the match for 2004.  Bob volunteered to look into making special prizes for Best Puppy and Best in Match.  Adrienne has suggested Sally Wynn for judge.  Joyce Park has been selected again as location.  The date is to be the Saturday of the Memorial Day weekend.


Bob Saffell made a motion to adjourn seconded by Jean. Adjournment at 2:50 PM.  



Submitted by Lana and Barb for Cheryl Heath.






Meeting Notice - - Kentucky Horse Park, I-75 & Iron Works Pike


Bluegrass Classic Cluster Meeting of the Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club


Saturday - - August 30, 2003


One hour after completion of judging.

Look at ringside of corgi judging for directions to the meeting.


Bring a dish/cold drinks/chairs and whatever else you think might be

good for a cookout at the meeting.