The Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club

About Us
Puppy Info
Corgi Gift Shop
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Puppy Info



Ohio Valley Breeder referral contact:


Judy Nolan
4502 Keller Rd
Hebron, OH 43025


Click here for a list of the club members with puppies or adults available

 and our current rescues.


Also check out our Rescue page.

If you are thinking of buying a Pembroke puppy, please read the following:

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America's FAQ site.


The PWCCA website has articles, a description of the breed , and, in
particular, a page with guidelines for buying a puppy that has ideas on
what to think about before you buy a puppy and questions to ask
prospective sellers to insure that you get the perfect puppy.


Finding a Pembroke Welsh Corgi 

by Liz Myhre, CPWCC

This article is also very informative and will help you decide if a Pembroke Welsh Corgi is the right breed of dog for you. It is written by Liz Myhre of the Cascade PWC Club. Visit their site and the sites of other Regional PWC Clubs for more information on the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

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This site was last updated 11/29/13

This site created by Nancy Oehlhof, OV webmaster.

All photos are property of The OVPWCC unless otherwise noted.

Reproduction of these photos without   express written permission is prohibited.